Matcha Tea Latte w/ A Touch Of Mint.

Matcha has become one of my favourite afternoon pick-me-ups and an excellent coffee substitute. A nice big foamy mug of sweet tasting, green goodness; just perfect.

The process of preparing Matcha alone is a therapeutic one. It requires patience & finesse to get the flavours right. The biggest no-no is using water that is too hot. This will ruin the delicate flavour of the Matcha & prevents the nutrients from slowly releasing and opening up as it should.

Since we’re preparing a latte, foam is of great importance. And an easy way of achieving this is by using a milk frother. The one I use is a pretty basic hand-held one.


You Will Need :

Milk frother

Small bamboo whisk

Small, shallow mixing bowl

Airtight container to hold matcha tea powder

High quality matcha tea powder 

Full fat or light organic almond milk

Honey to sweeten as an option (or dates)

A handful of freshly grown mint


Matcha Green Latte w/ a Touch Of Mint | Road To Zealness

Serves: 2

Prep time: 7-10 minutes


1 cup of almond milk (preferably unsweetened)

2 teaspoon of matcha tea powder

2 juicy medjool dates

a handful of mint

1 cup of hot,but not boiling water.


Add the matcha tea powder to a small amount of hot water in the matcha tea bowl or into your favorite mug.

Using the bamboo whisk (or if you don’t have one, a milk froth will do), whisk briskly in a up-and-down direction to make a thick, green paste.
Blend up your dates with mint and 2 tablespoons of water, then pour remaining hot almond milk into the date and mint paste and stir. If adding a sweetener, add here.



Pour this into the cup or bowl containing matcha.


The matcha will dissolve quickly and easily. If you’re using a milk frother, place on the top of the latte and turn on, allowing to froth and foam until your desired texture.

Another option is to reserve some of the hot almond and separately froth this in a cup, then gently pour in the matcha tea mug.

Enjoy hot or warm!


A Change Is Gonna Come

Although this post has nothing to do with the civil rights anecdote that stretches a good hundred and fifty years or longer in the great Sam Cooke record , this expression is quite relevant in each and every one of our lives.

Ever had a deep sense of knowing or an instinct tell you that it was time to make some life changes, but you felt too confused to make them?

I’ve certainly had those.

After graduating from university years ago, I felt completely confused about what I was going to do with my life. I was asking myself questions like: How am I going to find meaning? What should I do for a career? How can I make my dreams a reality? I put intense pressure on myself & it did me no good. I remember moving back home after uni, lying down in bed, and I would reading non-stop for hours, eager to run from the intense confusion of reality & the endless questions running through my mind; I was shit scared.

Scared to start a job, but scared not to. Scared to move away from the comforts of home, but deep down I couldn’t wait to get out. Scared of the unknown, but also excited by the fact that anything could happen!

Change alarmed me, so I mislead myself into thinking that it was too complicated & confusing. For a couple months, I did nothing & the frustration had grown into a monster.

Fear-based confusion is when you have a gut instinct that things are “off,” or you want to make a major life change, but you feel a jumbled mess & don’t know how to take action.

Sounds familiar?

Maybe you’re confused about making a career change, a move to a new city, ending a relationship, or about how to get your finances in order. I think we’ve all experienced this fear-gripping confusion in one form or another, and I know how frustrating it can feel.

But I’ve noticed that the awareness of fear as the base for your confusion can drastically reduce your stress about it.

You’re certainly not alone or helpless. And luckily, fear-based confusion is easy to move beyond.

1. Follow your excitement.

If the dread or fear runs deep, following your excitement will help. For example, instead of trying to answer the question, what should I do with my life, ask yourself, what excites me right now?

Write out a list of all the activities and experiences that excite you. Try and not judge this list. It doesn’t matter if things on your list seem small or insignificant.

For me, simply an early swim then a walk to a local cafe for a flat white and some reading  is something that really excites me first thing in the morning.

There are many benefits to following what excites you in this moment.

  1. You start to feel more excited about your life. And two,
  2. Your excitement usually leads you to people + experiences that will help you set a direction for yourself.

Following your excitement is much less daunting than trying to figure out your whole life. In addition, it leaves room for expansion and gives you the freedom to continually try new things.

2. Decide on your direction.

Decisions,decisions. They come in many shapes and forms. But it is crucial to decide very clearly on the direction you want to go in.

Making a clear decision is the quickest way out of confusion. I know this sounds obvious, but sometimes we have insane inner thoughts that hold us back. Thoughts like, “I’m not good enough” or “I don’t deserve this.”

But you most definitely are good enough & surely you do deserve peace no matter what you’re telling yourself. Believe in yourself enough to make a decision and know that you will make the right one. Don’t worry about making a “bad” decision. In my opinion, making no decision at all is often worse.

Once you make the initial decision, you will in turn be positively associated with people & experiences that help you flourish & move forward.

Breathe, become aware of how your decision feels in your body, and act on whatever option has a sense of lightness and openness to it.

3. Release your expectations.

This is a noble struggle for me. Most of the time I feel that expectations leads to disappointment. When I finally make the decision to change, I happen to proceed to come up with a detailed set of plans for how it should all go down, immediately in search for something that will make me feel secure in the face of change. But life doesn’t always pan out the way we expect it to.

It’s perfectly okay to focus on what you want, but I like to try and leave the details to The Beloved One, and simply focus on what I’m excited and capable of doing right now. This allows you to feel joy now instead of making your joy dependant on a certain outcome in the future. Release your expectations and let the world in. Release your expectations and let other people in, let life and love in, and let happiness in.

As you focus on following what excites you in this moment, the clouds of confusion begin to part and you can see your direction more clearly. Then, moving toward it with inner confidence becomes natural.

Once you take the first step, everything else will unfold for you.

Have a great weekend ahead! 🙂


#TodayImChannelling: Meryl Streep


“I no longer have patience for certain things, not because I’ve become arrogant, but simply because I reached a point in my life where I do not want to waste more time with what displeases me or hurts me. I have no patience for cynicism, excessive criticism and demands of any nature. I lost the will to please those who do not like me, to love those who do not love me and to smile at those who do not want to smile at me. I no longer spend a single minute on those who lie or want to manipulate. I decided not to coexist anymore with pretense, hypocrisy, dishonesty and cheap praise. I do not tolerate selective erudition nor academic arrogance. I do not adjust either to popular gossiping. I hate conflict and comparisons. I believe in a world of opposites and that’s why I avoid people with rigid and inflexible personalities. In friendship I dislike the lack of loyalty and betrayal. I do not get along with those who do not know how to give a compliment or a word of encouragement. Exaggerations bore me and I have difficulty accepting those who do not like animals. And on top of everything I have no patience for anyone who does not deserve my patience.”

Wow. Straight from the shoulder.

These are words to live by. If you disagree, then too bad. Life is short & I certainly don’t have time for B.S.

Cheers Meryl!


#TodayImChannelling: Marco Pierre White



 “There are many times in my life, when I could’ve thrown in the towel. Many times in my life when I was on the floor. And when you’re on the floor, never allow anybody to pick you up. It doesn’t matter how long you stay there, make sure you pick yourself up and dust yourself down…you take the knowledge from the experience and you grow.”